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7 elementos encontrados.
Diffusion du taëawwuf chez les tribus nomades de l’intérieur de l’Ifrīqiya entre le VIe/XIIe et le IXe/XVe siècle et naissance de tribus maraboutiques ["Diffusion of taëawwuf among the nomadic tribes of the interior of Ifrīqiya between the 6th / 12th and 9th / 15th centuries and the birth of maraboutic tribes"]
De la ascesis al sufismo en Miftāḥ al-saˁāda de Ibn al-ˁArīf (m. 536/1141) ["Ascesis to Sufism in Miftāḥ al-saˁāda by Ibn al-ˁArīf (m. 536/1141)"]
La doctrina de Abū Madyan: síntesis del sufismo oriental y occidental en el siglo XII ["The doctrine of Abū Madyan: synthesis of Eastern and Western Sufism in the 12th century"]
Le vêtement des soufis au Maroc médiéval d’après les sources hagiographiques ["The clothing of Sufis in medieval Morocco according to hagiographic sources"]
Edición crítica del K. jawāṣṣ al-ḥurūf de Ibn Masarra [" Critical edition of Ibn Masarra's K. jawāṣṣ al-ḥurūf"]