About the Journal

Aims and Scope

This Journal aims to give visibility to the repositories preserved in the Archive of the University of Cádiz (UCA), and to promote them, as well as the studies that delve into these sources.

The Archive of the UCA protects a rich documentary heritage produced by this university and by the academic institutions that preceded the UCA (Real Colegio de Cirugía, Escuelas Normales, Facultad de Medicina en Cádiz, Escuela de Comercio, etc.), as well as two private repositories (the archaeological repository of Josefa Jiménez Cisneros and the maritime repository of José Matia Calvo). Research and doctorate studies emerge from these repositories, which still contain unpublished sources.

Frequency of publication

Annual publication

Open Access Policy

This is a fully open access journal, providing immediate access to its content, as we believe that offering free access to research contributes to a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Ethical Code of the Journal


The Ethical Code of the Journal Cuadernos de Investigación de Fondos del Archivo UCA has the aim of establishing a set of best practice guidelines with regards to the three parties involved in the field of UCA scientific journals: authors, editors, and reviewers. This Code is inspired by the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


  • Taking responsibility for their manuscript, as well as for the consistency and reliability of their research, and ensuring that there is no data tampering or conflict of interests that may have had an impact on the results obtained or on the conclusions proposed.
  • Ensuring the inclusion of those researchers who have contributed to the conceptualisation and planning of the article, the interpretation of the results, and the writing stage.
  • Reviewing current and relevant scientific literature with regards to the issue under analysis.
  • Avoiding simultaneous submission of the manuscript to several journals, an action considered to be unethical and reprehensible.
  • Following the Guidelines for the submission of manuscripts established by the Guidelines for the submission of manuscripts for the Journal «Cuadernos de investigación de Fondos del Archivo UCA», cooperating with the reviewers following their corrections and advice, and always providing the correct references for sources.
  • Quickly reporting to the editors of the Journal any errors or inaccuracies in the published articles, providing them with all the information required to indicate the corresponding corrections at the end of the article.
  • Providing the editors, if requested, with the various sources or data on which the article is based.


  • Supporting the freedom of expression of the authors.
  • Ensuring the appointment of qualified reviewers in order to provide a critical and expert assessment of the manuscript, minimising potential bias.
  • Ensuring the confidentiality of the manuscripts, their authors and reviewers, preserving an anonymity that ensures the intellectual integrity of the process.
  • Preventing citation malpractice: editorial power to reference journal articles, self-citations, or exchange citations (commitment of citation amongst a group of authors).
  • Not using, for their own research, contents of manuscripts submitted for publication without the written consent of the author.
  • Meeting the deadlines of the review process and publication of the accepted manuscripts.


  • Assessing the manuscripts submitted for review based only on the scientific merit of the contents.
  • Verifying that the article contributes to the dissemination of knowledge.
  • Providing editors and authors with objective information on the article with regards to its form and literary quality, whilst always expounding the reasons for the assessment given.
  • Assessing the manuscripts in a timely manner.
  • Treating the article as confidential. Therefore, its content must not be discussed with other people without the expressed consent of the editors.

Preliminary assessment

All submissions will undergo a preliminary assessment to verify they meet:

  • The criteria established in these Guidelines
  • The quality standards

The texts that are published in the Journal will be subjected to a style and orthotypographic correction by a professional proofreader. Once done, the pre-designed article will be returned to the author and with some suggestions, if any, which the author will decide to incorporate or not. After returning the article again, a second evaluation will be carried out, if necessary, and it will be sent again in its case. Once this is done, it will be converted to PDF and returned to the author for final supervision, before being published on the Portal of Journals of UCA.

The authors are obliged to verify that the submission of their manuscripts meets all the criteria laid out by these Presentation Guidelines. Manuscripts not meeting these criteria will be returned to the authors.

Publication License

The articles of this journal are published under a Creative Commons License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/.

The content may be reproduced, distributed, and edited as long as the authorship of the original creation is acknowledged and there are no commercial purposes involved, nor may a derived version of the work be created.  Actions should always be carried out within the limits established by Intellectual Property legislation.

Privacy statement

The names and e-mail addresses submitted for the publication process of this journal will be exclusively used for the ends established therein and will not be provided to third parties for their use or for other purposes.