A human, scholarly and artist approach to the live of Mr. Carlos Urtubey Rebollo
Our goal is to approach the academic medical trajectory of Mr. Carlos Urtubey Rebollo, a medical doctor enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine of Cadiz. We studied the personal academic file as the pathway to understand the formative background of this person. To this purpose, we analyzed the files disposed at the University of Cadiz Archive. Thus, we introduce the academic career, firstly as medical student, evaluating the results of main signatures. After this, Dr. Urtubey kept a closed research and teaching relationship with this Faculty. He was linked to the public health sciences, which seemed to be related with a public sense in a political context. Nevertheless, these matters were maintained with the practice of several artistic features. He showed a constant loved for drawing and painting. The practice of these avocations let many samples in different formats. Moreover, he enrolled the “Estudiantina”
of Cadiz, a group of medical student which playing music of traditional tunes is connect with an ancient Spanish tradition. Finally, the fascist military revolt focused in the Dr. Urtubey as many other people due to the political implication. He was murdered in August, 1938. Instead a whole biography, this report is dedicated only to the personal trajectory in the academic field at the Faculty of Medicine.
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