The Salus Infirmorum School of Nurses at the Spanish Hospital of Tangier



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Published: 11-02-2021


  • Concepción Mata Pérez (ES) Profesora del CUE Salus Infirmorum de Cádiz (Adscrito UCA)


The Salus Infirmorum School of Nurses in Tangier was recognized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the training of women in the field of nursing during the Spanish protectorate. The objective that we set ourselves is to show the overcoming of the regulated training of these students. Our methodology has been based fundamentally on consulting the Salus Infirmorum's own Archives, which have led us to the archives of the Archive of the University of Cádiz, enriching our work with the results of all the records of the students who obtained their degree of nurses and some expanded it with that of midwife.



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How to Cite

Mata Pérez, C. (2021). The Salus Infirmorum School of Nurses at the Spanish Hospital of Tangier. Cuadernos De Investigación De Fondos Del Archivo UCA, (3), 58–73.


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