Women physicians in the School of Medicine of Cadiz the last third of XIX century to the 70’s of XX



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Published: 11-02-2021


  • Beatriz Sainz Vera (ES) Doctora en Medicina. Especialista en Medicina Interna y Neumología


[Correction Notice: An Erratum for this article was reported in Vol 5 (2023) of Cuadernos de Investigación de Fondos del Archivo UCA (see record https://doi.org/10.25267/Cuad_investig_fondos_arch_UCA.2023.i5.Correccion). In the article, there were errors in the Médicas de la Facultad de Medicina de Cádiz section.]

The investigation is over the first women physicians in the School of Medicine of Cádiz, from the last third of XIX century to the 70, s of XX, from the beginning of their university studies, degrees, doctorates and specialties if that information appears on their files, as well as the review about the professional consideration of their male colleagues and society in the age. So, we summarize the history of the sanitary women.



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How to Cite

Sainz Vera, B. (2021). Women physicians in the School of Medicine of Cadiz the last third of XIX century to the 70’s of XX. Cuadernos De Investigación De Fondos Del Archivo UCA, (3), 74–97. https://doi.org/10.25267/Cuad_investig_fondos_arch_UCA.2021.i3.05


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