The Matía Menchacatorre house and the Clavería Bridge: innovation in the physical and financial infrastructure in the 19th century



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Published: 31-03-2022


  • Ninel Valderrama Negrón (US) Candidata a doctora por Duke University
  • Antonio Orozco Ramos (US) Licenciado en Administración de Empresas por el Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. Estudiante de Finanzas Corporativas en Duke University


The Matía Menchacatorre commercial house was a forerunner in the creation and promotion of physical infrastructure in Manila, as well as financial innovation related to its development and protection in the 19th Spanish transpacific empire. The construction of the Clavería Bridge, Asia’s first suspension bridge, presented new challenges for the design of financing, insurance, and investment recovery schemes. Thanks in great part to José Matía’s letter copiers in the University of Cádiz Archive, this paper reconstructs the history of this shipping enterprise and the fascinating business panorama in Manila.



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How to Cite

Valderrama Negrón, N., & Orozco Ramos, A. (2022). The Matía Menchacatorre house and the Clavería Bridge: innovation in the physical and financial infrastructure in the 19th century. Cuadernos De Investigación De Fondos Del Archivo UCA, (4), 156–183.


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