Violence and workplace harassment from the legal and criminological perspectives: towards a new labour compliance
The issue of violence and harassment at work is a phenomenon that is still present in our society. This forces companies to adopt and apply appropriate policies that take into account these situations of violence and harassment, as well as the associated psychosocial risks.
For this, it is necessary to identify and evaluate the behaviors of violence and harassment, in order to adopt preventive measures and control the risks, which should lead us towards the adoption of a series of action protocols, which previously require a thorough study of the aspects relating to the conduct and characters of the active subject, as well as the characters and elements of the victim and the work environment in which the events occur.
A new scenario is opening up in the workplace, where the criminologist can have a lot to say by collaborating in the creation and implementation of future labor compliance systems.
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Copyright (c) 2023 José María Quílez Moreno, Susana Berrocal Díaz
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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