The fight against cybercrime and the most recent criminal law reforms in Spain and Italy: lights and shadows
The need to regulate cybercrime has attracted the attention of supranational institutions such as the European Union and the Council of Europe. As a result, the national legislators of several EU countries, such as Spain and Italy, have amended their criminal codes on several occasions to comply with the obligations of international conventions, framework decisions, and directives on cyber-attacks and cybercrime. However, the measures taken by the European legislator and, consequently, the national legislators that regulate cybercrime in their criminal codes (such as those of Spain and Italy), are not yet entirely in line with the characteristics of current cybercrime and the criminal phenomenon known as Cybercrime-as-a-Service. This paper analyses the evolution of criminal legislation against cybercrime and its jurisprudential application from a comparative perspective between Spain and Italy, with particular reference to computer fraud and the illicit use of means of payment, trying to offer hypothetical solutions to improve the legal framework against cybercrime, which affects more and more users and public entities every day.
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