Legal-social foundations of safety and health at work: a critical perspective for the comprehensive protection of the workforce



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Published: 19-12-2024



This article establishes the legal-social foundations of Safety and Health at Work from a critical perspective, for which four chapters are developed that contain: i) the systematic analysis of work risks in a post-pandemic perspective, the sources of the emergence of professional risks and their manifestations, the definition and role of Occupational Risk Law and the object of Safety and Health at Work; ii) the study of the safety at work component, on the one hand, and health at work, on the other; iii) the explanation of the preventive, protective, promoting and enabling function of Safety and Health at Work; and iv) the development of the dimension of employer obligations and responsibility. Based on all this, we seek to establish an interpretation of the conflict in Occupational Health and Safety that allows us to guarantee and develop comprehensive protection of the workforce against professional risks in a context of profound economic, technological and social changes.



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How to Cite

Quintana García, L. A. (2024). Legal-social foundations of safety and health at work: a critical perspective for the comprehensive protection of the workforce. Journal of Legal Studies and Criminology, (10), 85–128.


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