The preparatory work of UNCITRAL for the development of a Convention on Negotiable Cargo Documents



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Published: 19-12-2024



The bill of lading is, so far, the only transport document endowed with representative
effectiveness. The lack of transfer effectiveness in other documents traditionally
issued for transport operations hinders the commercialization possibilities of goods in transit
and limits financing opportunities for such operations. Recognizing a demand among
transport operators to grant these documents the same prerogatives as the classic maritime
transport document, in 2022 the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
entrusted Working Group VI with the task of developing a new international instrument
for negotiable cargo documents. This study analyzes the fundamental aspects of the regime
that the future Convention provides for the new representative title created, and addresses
some of the most challenging issues that may arise regarding the potential coexistence of
current instruments in international transport and UNCITRAL's new text, despite the
intended non-interference asserted by the proposed Convention.


bill of lading, representative effectiveness, consignment note, negotiable cargo document, dual-track system.


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How to Cite

Martín Castro, M. de la P. (2024). The preparatory work of UNCITRAL for the development of a Convention on Negotiable Cargo Documents. Journal of Legal Studies and Criminology, (10), 347–376.


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