Estrategias policiales combinadas para la prevención de ruidos en zonas urbanas nocturnas
Un estudio de caso en el municipio catalán de Badia del Vallés, España
This research analyzes the effectiveness in preventing noise complaints in urban areas of police intervention through directed patrol strategy applied to hot spots. During the summer periods of 2015 and 2016, the local police of the Catalan municipality of Badia del Vallés implemented an intervention program that, combining the use of the Geographic Information System and a directed patrol strategy, sought to reduce noise requirements at night-time. Taking as a reference the data generated during the intervention, and those of the two previous years (pre-intervention period) and the two subsequent years (post-intervention period), this article evaluates the effectiveness of such intervention, and also collects a descriptive analysis of the geographic distribution of noise requirements. The main results reveal a significant decrease in noise requirements when the preventive police strategies described were applied.
Keywords: Geographic Information Systems (GIS), hot spots policing, directed patrol, prevention, noise.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Óscar Manuel Chamorro Chamorro, Jesús C. Aguerry
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