About the Journal


Enfoque y alcance

El "tema de Gibraltar" merecía una publicación periódica que tratara los temas directa o indirectamente vinculados al litigio, desde la perspectiva académica. Una publicación que analiza los problemas y conflictos latentes o existentes, y que aporta la documentación relevante que surge constantemente de este histórico desacuerdo entre británicos, españoles y gibraltareños.

"Cuadernos de Gibraltar" / "Gibraltar Reports" tiene como objetivo llenar este vacío, y servir como canal de debates e ideas con rigor y base académica, así como fuente de documentación y referencia; documentación que tiende a perderse o desaparecer rápidamente (o de forma inesperada) en la jungla de Internet, y en la simplificación que a veces hacen los medios de comunicación ante cualquiera de las múltiples aristas del problema gibraltareño.

Esta Revista se basa en el trabajo en equipo planificado y continuo del Área de Derecho Internacional Público y Relaciones Internacionales y la Cátedra Jean Monnet "Inmigración y Fronteras" de la Universidad de Cádiz, que ha recibido un importante apoyo institucional en su labor continuada. De hecho, desde 2002 el equipo de Cádiz se ha ocupado del tema de Gibraltar y la cooperación transfronteriza con el Campo de Gibraltar centrándose en el derecho internacional y el derecho europeo; Al mismo tiempo, este número forma parte de los campos de investigación del Equipo de Investigación, dedicado al análisis de las cuestiones y problemas legales e internacionales del área del Estrecho de Gibraltar, relacionados con la soberanía, las fronteras, la cooperación transfronteriza y las cuestiones de inmigración. , incluida la cooperación con Marruecos.

These same lines of research have been supported by three I+D projects of the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (SEJ-2005-08136/JURI), the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (DER2009-11693), and the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (DER2012-34577), which continuously cover the period 2005-2015. Also the support of the Jean Monnet Chair "Inmigración y Fronteras" of EU Law, granted by the European Commission, which has provided a specific line dedicated to training and research activities on cross-border cooperation with Gibraltar, conveyed through the Aula Universitaria Gibraltar / Campo de Gibraltar.

In summary, Cuadernos de Gibraltar / Gibraltar Reports are meant to serve as an academic channel for debate and reference on the Gibraltar controversy and all related issues, and also to make available the most relevant or difficult-to-track current documentation. As a specialised academic journal, it is open to any proposal for collaboration, in English or Spanish, from the academic world, researchers and specialists. In this eagerness to make known the Spanish and non-Spanish doctrine on the question of Gibraltar, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office has been expressly invited to collaborate in this new Journal, an offer that has also been made repeatedly to the Government of Gibraltar and the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

Convinced of the need for dialogue and cooperation channels, we intend to make a very small and humble contribution to a better understanding of the legal, institutional and social problems raised by the Gibraltar issue, to States and citizens on a day-to-day basis, on both sides of the Gate. We therefore believe that this grain of academic sand can in some way help to facilitate understanding and cooperation between Gibraltar, Spain, the United Kingdom and the Campo de Gibraltar.

But regardless of the fact that understanding and agreement are always possible and must always be possible and achievable, there is one aspect that is achieved by simply launching this biennial publication: the social function of university work, which is integrated into the environment and interacts with it; and to this end it offers the result of its research, training structures and the diffusion of results to the social and human environment in which it is immersed. With this involvement in the territorial context of the Gibraltar controversy, the simple analysis of daily problems and proposals for solutions contributes decisively to the fulfilment of the university function, promoting the values of knowledge, plural debate, understanding, understanding and the search for solutions, in places where History has left deep and very visible scars.

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