Una Bahía en riesgo ambiental: a propósito del siniestro del buque OS35 en aguas de Gibraltar


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Estudios y Notas
Published: 20-03-2023



At the end of August 2022, a collision and subsequent sinking of the ship OS35 occurred in waters close to Gibraltar. Everything seemed to indicate that a major environmental tragedy could occur due to the spectacular nature of the collision, the subsequent break-up of the ship and the rapid and spectacular sinking of the bow in waters close to both the Gibraltarian and Spanish coasts. The Bay of Algeciras/Gibraltar has a special legal singularity derived from the controversies over Gibraltar. Moreover, it is a strategic area with port hubs of great importance in intercontinental navigation that are concentrated in a semi-enclosed area. A large number of shipping accidents have been occurring in these waters.
It seems clear that there is a need for coordination mechanisms between Spain and Gibraltar which will help to reduce risks and protect the marine environment. In the current context of negotiations to define a European status for Gibraltar after Brexit, there is an excellent window of opportunity that should not be missed.



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How to Cite

Verdú Baeza, J. (2023). Una Bahía en riesgo ambiental: a propósito del siniestro del buque OS35 en aguas de Gibraltar. Cuadernos De Gibraltar – Gibraltar Reports, (05). https://doi.org/10.25267/Cuad_Gibraltar.2023.i5.1301


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