Creación de una AECT –Agrupación Europea de Cooperación Terrorial– Campo de Gibraltar / Gibraltar (Guía breve sobre planteamiento, requisitos y procedimiento)
Establishment of an EGTC —European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation— Campo de Gibraltar / Gibraltar (Brief Guide on Approach, Requirements and Procedure)
ABSTRACT: This Report analyses the legal viability of the constitution of an EGTC – European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation– between the Campo de Gibraltar and Gibraltar. A concise guide is presented for the eventual creation of the EGTC in this territory, examining the specific regulations, the initial key questions such as the components, the applicable law, the objectives, the convention and the statutes or the financial issues. The creation procedure and the phases to be followed for the authorization, registration and start of the EGTC are subsequently detailed. Finally, an assessment of the possibility of setting up a Campo de Gibraltar / Gibraltar EGTC is offered, with suggestions for the formation that take into account the historical Spanish-British controversy over Gibraltar. Thus, there are international and European legal elements that could condition this adaptation to the Campo de Gibraltar of the figure of the EGTC, created by the EU to promote cross-border cooperation in the context of the objectives of Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion and of the Structural Funds
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González García, I; Acosta Sánchez, M: «Las consecuencias del Brexit para Gibraltar», El Cronista del Estado social y democrático de Derecho, nº 84-85, pp. 82-91, en pp. 90-91.
González García, I; Acosta Sánchez, M: «The Consequences of Brexit for Gibraltar», Cuadernos de Gibraltar–Gibraltar Reports, núm. 3, 2018-2019, VII Igualmente, González García., I., «El Brexit y la cooperación transfronteriza con Gibraltar: la creación de una Agrupación Europea de Cooperación Territorial (AECT) - Campo de Gibraltar/Gibraltar» en Nuevo mundo, nueva Europa. La redefinición de la Unión Europea en la era del Brexit, Tirant lo Blanc, Valencia, 2020, pp. 523-537.