FONDART: Political balance of a cultural fi nancing instrument in Chile 1990-2010

Instantánea del Vapor Adriano III ("Vaporcito del Puerto"), Bien de Interés Cultural, en su depósito en la margen derecha del río Guadalete (El Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz).


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Monograph2: Contemporary Cultural Policies in Chile
Published: 21-12-2020


  • María Paulina Soto Labbé (CL) Doctor at the University of the Arts of Ecuador


We analyze international trends in sector fi nancing; We question the character of public policy of the instrument National Fund for Arts and Culture of Chile FONDART; We evaluate the relationship between growth and professionalization in the sector and its eff ects on the increase in demands on the fi nancing instrument analyzed; and we establish a relationship between the neoliberal politicalideological principle Subsidiarity and the asymmetric growth that it generates. This article is the result of an investigation carried out in 2011.


financing of culture,
competitive culture funds,


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How to Cite

Soto Labbé, M. P. . (2020). FONDART: Political balance of a cultural fi nancing instrument in Chile 1990-2010. Periferica International. Journal for Cultural and Territorial Analysis, (21), 320–330.


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