About the need of a Culture Law for Andalucía
Participation in culture life is an universal human right included in the International Convenants ratified by our State, in the Charter of Fundamental Rights and in the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union; whose promotion and protection is guaranteed in the Chapter of our Constitution reserved to the guiding principles of fundamental rights and duties with full normative force such as the cultural rights of literrary, artistic, scientific and thchnical creation and production or the right to direct participacion, individual or collective, in public affairs. It is therefore a duty of the State to give full effect within its internal legislation to the internationally ratified charter of cultural rights, to adopt whatever measures are necessary to adapt its legislation to Community Law and thereby contribute to fully fulfilling the guarantees contained in our Constitution.
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BARREIRO CARRIL, B. (Dir.): Cultura y humanización del Derecho.
FLORES DÈLEON, E. (2018): Introducción al Derecho Cultural. Barcelona. Atelier.
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RIVERA FERNÁNDEZ, R. (2017): El Estado de Cultura y los demás derechos culturales.