The collectors-fishermen-hunters of missionary period in the Península de Baja California, México



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Study  made  in  the  archaeological  remains  of  the  peoples  who  inhabited  this  vast  region  of Mexico,  have  been  from  positions  of  analysis  that  do  not  allow  to  have  clarity  in  the  historical development processes by those who inhabited this vast and arid peninsula, as a result, is characterized with the same methodological of hunter-gatherer terms, to all peoples that inhabited this vast region of Mexico, from its finis terrae in the southern part of the territory, until its confluence with the international boundaries with the United States of America, with which consideration of course not we agree, since we noticed differences in the social structure which are reflected in the archaeological materials, and in the information that is contained in the documents of the missionary period, given the different material conditions of existence and production reached by the  Indians at the time of the contact.


social archaeology iberoamerican, historical materialism, pretribales societies, Economic Social Formation Pretribal, Tribal Confederation, Jesuit, genocide


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How to Cite

Alvarado Bravo, A. (2015). The collectors-fishermen-hunters of missionary period in the Península de Baja California, México. Revista Atlántica-Mediterránea De Prehistoria Y Arqueología Social, 16(1), 213–218. Retrieved from