Archeology of capitalism: the Cuartel San Carlos project, Caracas, Venezuela. 1780-1998



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  • Mario Sanoja Obediente Universidad Central de Venezuela
  • Iraida Vargas-Arenas Universidad Central de Venezuela


The  Cuartel  San  Carlos  was  raised  in  1780,  along  with  the  economic  reforms  of  Carlos  III that gave way to the creation of a capitalist class society in Venezuela. The new class society needed a military institution to preserve the internal order. Instead, it was the origin at the republican army that overthrowed the colonial system. The San Carlos became during the XIXth century and the first half of the XXth century, the icon of the political processes that transformed the rural Venezuelan society in a petrostate and led the path to the formation of the modern venezuelan army.


capitalism, colonial order, army, republican society


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How to Cite

Sanoja Obediente, M., & Vargas-Arenas, I. (2015). Archeology of capitalism: the Cuartel San Carlos project, Caracas, Venezuela. 1780-1998. Revista Atlántica-Mediterránea De Prehistoria Y Arqueología Social, 16(1), 219–232. Retrieved from