GARCÍA ALFONSO. E. y BECERRA MARTÍN, S. (eds.) 2022: Las sociedades íberas: Historia y Arqueología. I Simposio de Historia en el territorio del Guadalteba. Teba, 27, 28 y 29 de septiembre de 2019. Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Teba, Málaga. 418 páginas. ISBN: 978-84-15588-68-9
In these pages we proceed to review the volume entitled: Iberian Societies: History and Archaeology. I Symposium on History in the Guadalteba territory. Teba, 27, 28 and 29 September 2019. This book has been edited by Eduardo García Alfonso and Serafín Becerra Martín and published by the Town Council of Teba in 2022. The reader will find in this volume a forceful scientific effort that serves as a reflection of the methodological, conceptual and interpretative changes that the historiography of the ancient peninsular world has developed in recent decades in the arduous research effort on the history of Iberian societies. It therefore represents an updated review of the current state of our knowledge of the historical and archaeological details of the Iberian world in the territory of Malaga, and in particular, of the site of the oppidum of Los Castillejos de Teba.
How to Cite
GARCÍA ALFONSO. E. y BECERRA MARTÍN, S. (Eds.). 2022: Las sociedades íberas: Historia y Arqueología. I Simposio de Historia en el territorio del Guadalteba. Teba, 27, 28 y 29 de septiembre de 2019. Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Teba, Málaga. 418 páginas. ISBN 978-84-15588-68-9