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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript hasn’t been sent to any other Journal and neither the manuscript nor any part of it has been previously published.
  • The uploaded file is in Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  • Were added to the web address where it was possible referrals.
  • Text is single-spaced; the font size is 12 points; used italics instead of underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures and tables within the text are in their proper place and not the end of everything.
  • Text meets the style and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines / s, which can be found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a section of the journal peer-reviewed, you must make sure that the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review) have been followed.

Author Guidelines

The manuscripts submitted to the journal RIPARIA must comply with the following guidelines:


The proposed manuscripts should be unedited scientific papers dealing with interactions between society and the natural environment in waterside areas (including coastal areas) from various perspectives: methodological, historical, juridical, philological, archaeological, geographical, etc.

RIPARIA is managed through the Open Journal Systems. Thus, those authors interested in submitting originals papers must register previously as platform users through the following address , and then proceed in this way to send the work (texts and additional files). If experience any technical problem, authors can contact the magazine via e-mail:

They should be submitted in OpenOffice, MicrosoftWord, RTF or Word Perfect format.

The contributions will be headed by the title, author’s name, academic/institutional affiliation and/or some reference to his research work; an abstract in the author’s own language where applicable and in English (up to 150 words), key words in the author’s own language and in English (up to 5 words), his postal and Email addresses. At the end of the manuscript will be indicated the date of its composition. It will be accepted maximum 15 pages of text and 10 figures maximum for paper (maps, tables, photographs...)

The manuscripts sent to the Thematic and Varia sections will undergo a peer review process (which in case of disagreement may involve a third valuation) securing the double-blind, so that the text sent to the reviewers should not include data that may identify  the author.

Authors will be notified reception of their manuscript and will receive the report of the reviewers, with reasoned suggestions for revision where needed, as well as the journal’s decision to accept or refuse the proposed manuscript.

The authors should send the revised proofs of their proposed manuscript no later then 30 calendar days following their reception of the proofs sent by the journal, after which, in the absence of any corrections, the unmodified proofs will be considered by the journal as approved for publication.

The submitted manuscripts should conform to the respective spelling rules of each of the four accepted publication languages (French, Italian, Spanish and English). 


Length: up to 15 pages of text.

Letters TNR 12 with 1.5 spacing between the lines in the body of the text.

Letters TNR 10, footnotes.

Authors may include links to other locations both in the body of the text and in the footnotes.

Graphics, images, maps, charts, statistical tables, etc. (10 maximum) must be original and included, duly numbered, at the end of the text and provided the appropiate legend.


The bibliography should be cited in footnotes, not in the body of the text.

A bibliographical list should be included at the end of each paper.

The footnotes should be reserved for the critical apparatus, minimizing comments and digressions.

Names of authors and editors should be cited in CAPITALS, titles of articles, reports, etc. in round letters, titles of books, periodicals or proceedings in italics.

Book Citation Example:

 J.F. Rodríguez Neila, Ecología en la Antigüedad Clásica, Madrid 1996.

Journal Article Citation:

F. Borca, Stagna, paludes e presenza antropica. Il caso dell’Alto Adriatico: Un unicum nell’antichità classica?, Quaderni di Storia 44, 1996, 115-145.

J. Peyras – P. Trousset, Le lac Tritonis et les noms anciens du Chott El Jérid, Antiquités Africaines 24, 1988, 194-204.

The abbreviations will be cited according the index of L’Année Philologique.

Citation of collective works

P. Arnaud, Conscience de l’impact environnemental et choix d’aménagement concurrentiels des cours d’eau chez les auteurs romains, E. Hermon (éd.) Vers une gestion intégrée de l’eau dans l’Empire Romain, « L’Erma di Bretschneider », Roma 2008, 157-162.

The first citation in the body of the text will present the full     bibliographical reference; additional citations will repeat the author’s name (in capitals), followed by a comma, the first two words of the title of the article or book, followed by ellipsis points (…) and the page(s) of reference.

 S. Di Salvo, Aqua perennis…, 197-98.

 M.P. Zannier, Les riparia…, esp. 201ss.

Text transcription

Short texts of other authors included in the body of the paper will be transcribed using round letters between quotation marks. When the quoted texts exceed two lines, they should be transcribed separately in indented lines and smaller letters.

Quotation of classic authors

Quotation of Greek authors will use the criteria of the Liddel-Scott’s dictionary Greek-English Lexicon.

For Latin authors will be used the criteria of the Oxford Latin Dictionary.

Books and book-chapters will be indicated with Arabic numerals separated by periods. When two or more quotations of the same author follow, they will be separated by semicolons.

Hom. Od. 9266-271

Serv. Aen . 1.6.

Arr. 4.22.4, 5.3.2.

Quotation of arab authors

Quotation of Arab authors will conform to the transcription usually used in modern languages (Spanish, French, English).

Citation of legislative/legal sources

Citation of legislative and legal documents will indicate books and titles by Arabic numbers separated by periods.

CTh. 16.10.5

Dig. 47.2.1