Evolution of the landscape in the Matagorda Peninsula in contemporary age



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Published: 28-07-2021



The Matagorda Peninsula, a portion of land bounded by the Cortadura to the East, the Caño del Trocadero to the South, the San Pedro River to the North and the Bay of Cadiz to the West is an enclave in which, since ancient times, two activities were developed that left an indelible mark on the collective memory of Puerto Real: The salt flats and the shipyards. How this landscape has evolved that deeply marks the identity of this people is what we will try to develop in the present work.


Landscape, shipyards, naval industry, salt pans, vessels, Cádiz, Puerto Real, Matagorda, identity.


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How to Cite

Bermúdez Rodríguez, J. (2021). Evolution of the landscape in the Matagorda Peninsula in contemporary age. Riparia, 7((2021), 154–176. https://doi.org/10.25267/Riparia/2021.v7.05


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Fuentes Documentales

A.H.D. (Archivo Histórico del Dique)

A.M.P.R. (Archivo Municipal de Puerto Real)