Sea monsters in Scandinavian culture

Traduction of chapters XII and XVI of the Speculum Regale



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Published: 27-07-2022


  • Arturo Morgado García (ES) CU Universidad de Cádiz. Redacción, concepción y diseño del artículo


We offer a brief overview of the presence of Sea monsters in the Scandinavian cultural tradition, ending with the reference to the Speculum Regale and the translation into Spanish of its chapters XII and XVI, dedicated to the wonders of the waters of Iceland and Greenland respectively. Here we can find a reference of what would later be called kraken.


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How to Cite

Morgado García, A. (2022). Sea monsters in Scandinavian culture : Traduction of chapters XII and XVI of the Speculum Regale. Riparia, 8((2022), 111–141.


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