New contribution to the knowledge of the Emirate material record from an Andalusian administrative capital: kūrat Bāguh
Interesting pottery remains dating from Emiral period (VIII-IX centuries) were found during the excavation of a backfilled pit in an ditch at the site of Barrio de la Villa, calle Real, 15, Priego de Córdoba. Those remains add new information to the knowledge of al-Andalus Emiral pottery. Given the scarce number of findings from that period in the site of Madīnat Bāguh, these presented in this paper are very meaningful. Within the findings, there is a ceramic tipology especially abundant, close to a “jofaina”, although without glazing, so it will be addressed as “plate” instead. This plate, found as well in many other archaeological sites, will no have continuity further the Emiral period.
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