"Legal and religious consideration of the Spanish plateau and northern peninsular terri tories by the Muslim power of al-Andalus".



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Published: 14-05-2021



 "Legal and religious consideration of the Spanish plateau and northern peninsular terri tories by the Muslim power of al-Andalus". On the basis of some of al-Dāwūdī's legal and econo mic texts, the legal statute of the Spanish plateau and northern peninsular land is analysed. These territories were first annexed to al-Andalus, then abandoned, and finally regarded as bordering land, though the historical sources place them beyond de Muslim state. This study shows, according to other legal and religious texts, that up to the eleventh century this land was considered to be under Muslim rule, both because it was previously conquered and inhabited by people with whom agreements were negotiated. As it is known the north held an opposed vision.  


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How to Cite

FRANCO SÁNCHEZ, . F. (2021).  "Legal and religious consideration of the Spanish plateau and northern peninsular terri tories by the Muslim power of al-Andalus". Al-Andalus Magreb, (7), 101–133. Retrieved from https://revistas.uca.es/index.php/aam/article/view/7881


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