The micro-stories of “Ajuar funerario” as a tool to promote reading in different classroom contexts
Alzando el vuelo: estudios en Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura
The Hispanic tradition of mystery, suspense or even horror stories has long been a useful instrument to capture the attention of listeners in the case of oral stories, of readers when these stories become written. In this sense, the book of micro-stories “Ajuar Funerario” by Fernando Iwasaki has proven its worth in promoting literary taste in various contexts, as we reflect in this didactic proposal, even completing the cycle by converting recipients into content creators by following the model.
How to Cite
Romero Claudio, C., & Rubio Millares, R. (2023). The micro-stories of “Ajuar funerario” as a tool to promote reading in different classroom contexts. Chamariz: Estudios En Didáctica De La Lengua Y La Literatura, (1).