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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • If you are submitting to a section of the journal that is peer-reviewed, you must ensure that the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review) have been followed.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

The author must submit his/her article proposal exclusively through the journal's online platform, by registering for it previously if not already registered, through the form available at this link: Please avoid duplicating profiles, use the one you already have instead of creating a new one.

When proceeding to a new submission, you must add the title of the article in Spanish and English to the metadata (always in lower case except for the corresponding initials, that should be in capital letters), your first name and last name as you want them to appear, the abstract and the key words in Spanish and English.

Only one file with the complete article should be uploaded (preferably already anonymized, ensuring that the Author's name does not appear anywhere in the document identifying him/her as such, nor in the metadata included in the properties of the file) and the complementary files that he/she would like to attach.

When uploading the article, the Author will propose the section in which he/she considers it fits best, but the journal reserves the right to choose the one that best corresponds; in case of doubt, please, always upload it to the Miscellaneous section. The journal will only use the platform or the related email account for its communications with the Author.

Generally, it is recommended that articles should not exceed 15,000 words, including notes. They should be in Microsoft Word format or in a supported editable format.

Regardless of the language in which it is written, the article should begin with two abstracts, one in Spanish and one in English (with no more than ten lines each), key words in both languages, and the title of the article should be also translated into English.

The title and eventual subtitles of the article should be in capital letters and regular style, centred and heading the text (for non-anonymized versions of the article: the author's name should be aligned to the right, with the first name in lower case and the last name in small capital letters. Below it should be specified, in regular style and between brackets, its affiliation. No further personal data should be included in the article).

The text should be fully justified. Body text size should be 12pt; the size of exempt citations and final bibliography, 11pt; notes size, 10pt. Single spacing should be used for the whole text (notes, citations and bibliography included). Pages should not be numbered, and the manuscript should not include headers, footers, or internal references to pages or notes of the work itself.

Footnotes should be included, and the reference marks shall be indicated with superscript numbers and without parentheses after punctuation marks. The text of the footnotes should be fully justified and indented on the first line like the body text. Articles with notes at the end of the text will not be accepted.

Citations of long literal passages (more than four lines) should be made in a separate paragraph preceded and followed by a blank space, indented, without quotation marks and in regular style. Short citations within the text should always be enclosed in quotation marks and in regular style. The quotations shouldn’t be in italics unless the reproduced text itself requires it.

References to footnotes will not be included in tables.

The criteria applied for the modernization or orthographic conservation, etc., for literal citations or for bibliographic references is left exclusively to each author's discretion, but we kindly request you to be as coherent as possible in maintaining these criteria and to thoroughly review these passages to avoid errors or inconsistencies.

No spaces should be left between paragraphs (except for the citations above mentioned).

Bold, underlined, capital letters or any graphical variation shall not be used for emphasis purposes. Only italics can be used to highlight pieces of text.

The inner headings within each manuscript will be aligned to the left margin, in small capital letters (without bold or italics formatting), numbered (in Arabic characters starting from 0) or not, at Author’s choice. If there are second level subheadings, they should be in italics (without bold or capital letters). Third or lower level headings should be in italics distinguished by numbering (1.1, 1.2.1.,, etc.). In all cases, they should be separated by a blank space before and after the heading.

Only angle quotes will be used, and round quotation marks will be used only within a period already between angle quotes, and single quotation marks only within round quotation marks. Example: «He said: “Clarín’ did not write that anywhere”». Straight quotation marks (") should not be used. You can find angle quotes appear in the special character sets of every commercial text software: please avoid replacing it with << >>.

The minus sign (or long dash: — ) should always be used for any use other than to join compound words or numerical series (socio-political, 1820-1823, etc.), i.e., to introduce dialogues, parenthetic sentences, or to head subsections. In the character sets of text software editors, there are usually three types of dashes: short, medium and long (double than the medium size): -  –  —  ; the latter is the one to be used.

Concerning to the abbreviations when submitting an article in Spanish, p. and pp. will be used (and not pág. and págs.), to indicate pages; nº and nos for numbers; f. and ff. for folios; etc.

When submitting an article in Spanish, the last spelling rules established by the RAE (Real Academia de la Lengua Española) will be used.

There will be a final bibliography in strictly alphabetical order of the works cited in each article, but if the Author considers it convenient, he/she can separate the primary sources (archive, press, or pamphlets and contemporary works) from the bibliography and reference it in a separate series, different from the secondary bibliography.

References to the contemporary press placed in the body of the text, manuscripts, and other special bibliography or archival documents, etc., which should not be included in the alphabetical bibliography, should be made according to the Author’s preferences.

Archival sources and handwritten documents should be cited according to usual conventions, indicating in any case the elements necessary for their precise location and specifying the abbreviations of archives, etc. the first time they appear.

The referencing style will be Harvard, avoiding merely bibliographic notes. Citations should be made as follows: (last name, year: page). If there is more than one work by the same author with the same year of publication, a, b, c should be added after the publication.

In the bibliography, with hanging indent, the different works will be reported in this way:



Last Name/s (small Capital letters), Name (Year), «Title of the article between angle quotes», Journal title in italics, number, pages of the article.



Last Name/s (small Capital letters), Name (Year), «Title of the article between angle quotes », in editors or coordinators if any, with first name and last name, Title of the work in italics, place of publication, Editor, chapter pages.



Last Name/s (small Capital letters), Name [in the case of editions, coordinated works or translations cited in full, it should be indicated respectively: (Ed.) (Coord.) (Trans.)] (Year), Title of the work in italics, place of publication, Editor.


Cantos Casenave, Marieta (2006), Los episodios de Trafalgar y Cádiz en las plumas de Frasquita Larrea y «Fernán Caballero», Colección 1812, nº 3, Cádiz, Diputación Provincial.

Romero Ferrer, Alberto (coord.) (2005), Juan Ignacio González del Castillo: estudios sobre su obra, Cádiz, Fundación Municipal de Cultura.

Gil Novales, Alberto (1975), Las Sociedades Patrióticas (1820-1823), Madrid, Tecnos.

Journal Article:

Muñoz Sempere, Daniel (2000), «Sociabilidad, prensa y conspiración antiliberal a las Cortes de Cádiz», Cuadernos de Ilustración y Romanticismo, Revista del Grupo de Estudios del Siglo XVIII de la Universidad de Cádiz, nº 8, pp. 59-70.

Larriba, Elisabel (2007), «Le baron de la Bruère: un patron de presse au temps des “Don Quichotte du monde philosophique”», El Argonauta Español, nº 4, http://argonauta.

Book Chapter or Conference Report:

Gil Novales, Alberto (1995), «La Campana que no se oyó (ensayo sobre el jacobinismo español)», en Lluís Roura i Aulinas e Irene Castells (eds.), Revolución y democracia: el jacobinismo europeo, Madrid, Ediciones del Orto, pp. 85-106.

Rodríguez Gutiérrez, María (2006), «Las modalidades literarias en la prensa de las Cortes de Cádiz: el caso de El Procurador General de la Nación y del Rey (1812-1813)», en Marieta Cantos Casenave, Fer­nando Durán López y Alberto Romero Ferrer (eds.), La Guerra de Pluma. Estudios sobre la prensa de Cádiz en el tiempo de las Cortes (1810-1814). Tomo I. Imprentas, Literatura y Periodismo, Cádiz, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cádiz, pp. 305-385.


Webography: In the case of originally printed sources that have been consulted through online digitalized versions, they will be indicated like the rest of the printed works, indicating below, if desired, the repository where it has been located, without indicating the URL and the consultation date (for example: BNE Digital Newspaper Library, Google Books, etc., or non-ambiguous corresponding abbreviations).


In the case of journals and electronic resources, the links allowing direct access to the document, preferably the DOI, should appear; but in digital journals that have a volume number and month or year of publication, these sources may be cited as the rest of the printed sources, indicating at the end that they are available online. The journal reserves the right to link, shorten or delete URLs if necessary. The Author should ensure, in any case, that the URLs provided are correctly written and still valid. The consultation date of the document will be included only in the case of blogs or Internet pages that because of their very nature are exposed to continuous modifications.

If the text contains images, these must have the necessary permissions for their publication. The Authors must get permission from the relevant institution.


The book reviews should have as title the complete reference of the commented book, with the following order: First Name LAST NAME(S), Title, Name of the publisher, translator or compiler, City, Editor, year, number of pages. The name of the Author (or Authors) must appear at the end of the review, aligned to the right margin, in small capital letters. As a general rule, book reviews should not have footnotes or bibliography at the end.

No significant modifications or additions to the text will be allowed during proofreading; only corrections will be admitted.

* The submission of an article implies the total acceptance of these guidelines.

Monographic section

Envíos abiertos a: 1) los autores que el coordinador que gestione cada monográfico concreto invite a participar; 2) cualquier autor que voluntariamente envíe sus propuestas a la sección, que serán aceptadas para la sección por el coordinador y, en ese caso, editadas y evaluadas bajo su supervisión (las propuestas que el coordinador no considere que encajen en el monográfico podrán ser derivadas a otras secciones de la revista).


Revisión por pares ciegos. Todos los envíos, abiertos o por invitación, serán evaluados por igual y están igualmente sometidos a la decisión del proceso evaluador.

Se publicarán solo trabajos originales e inéditos, que no deben estar aceptados para su publicación por ninguna otra revista. Pertenecerán al ámbito de la literatura, el arte, la historia y la filosofía, referidos al período 1700-1850 en España, América y Europa, dentro del ámbito temático específico que se fije en cada convocatoria de monográfico. Se admiten artículos de carácter teórico general, crítico, histórico, erudito o documental en cualquiera de las lenguas españolas, así como en inglés, francés, italiano y portugués.


Envíos abiertos a cualquier autor interesado.


Revisión por pares ciegos.

Solo se publicarán trabajos originales e inéditos, que no deben estar aceptados para su publicación por ninguna otra revista. Pertenecerán al ámbito de la literatura, el arte, la historia y la filosofía, referidos al período 1700-1850 en España, América y Europa. Se admiten artículos de carácter teórico general, crítico, histórico, erudito o documental en cualquiera de las lenguas españolas, así como en inglés, francés, italiano y portugués.

"La era de 1812"

Envíos abiertos a cualquier autor interesado.


Revisión por pares ciegos.

Solo se publicarán trabajos originales e inéditos, que no deben estar aceptados para su publicación por ninguna otra revista. Pertenecerán al ámbito de la literatura, el arte, la historia y la filosofía, referidos al período 1808-1814 y su entorno inmediato, en cuanto ataña a los procesos revolucionarios y constituyentes del mundo hispánico, la Guerra de la Independencia y la crisis del Antiguo Régimen desde cualquier punto de vista. Se admiten artículos de carácter teórico general, crítico, histórico, erudito o documental en cualquiera de las lenguas españolas, así como en inglés, francés, italiano y portugués.

Editions and Translations

Envíos abiertos a cualquier autor interesado.


Revisión por pares ciegos.

Solo se publicarán trabajos originales e inéditos, que no deben estar aceptados para su publicación por ninguna otra revista. Esta sección incluye ediciones o traducciones al castellano de textos de pequeña o mediana extensión, preferentemente con carácter novedoso y valor filológico, histórico o documental, sobre cualquiera de las disciplinas y ámbitos temáticos que cubre la revista.


Envíos abiertos a cualquier autor interesado.


Sin revisión por pares ciegos.

En esta sección se incluyen trabajos que, por sus dimensiones más reducidas o por afrontar aspectos puntuales, no alcancen la dimensión de artículo, pero supongan avances en algunas investigaciones de alto valor documental o informativo, o bien discusiones ensayísticas de interés conceptual, a juicio del consejo de redacción. El equipo de la revista redirigirá a esta sección y evaluará directamente los envíos presentados que reúnan tales características. No se realizará revisión por pares. El ámbito temático y cronológico será el mismo de la sección miscelánea.

Book reviews

Envíos abiertos a cualquier autor interesado o a propuesta del consejo de redacción.


Sin revisión por pares ciegos.

Se publicarán reseñas de novedades bibliográficas (preferentemente publicadas en los tres años que preceden al número en cuestión) sobre cualquiera de los ámbitos temáticos y cronológicos de la revista. Podrán hacerse reseñas conjuntas de varios libros. Se recomienda una extensión mínima de dos páginas y máxima de cinco, aunque la aprobación final queda a la exclusiva decisión del equipo de redacción de la revista.

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