Brandishing the quill and the saber: captain Sherer and his Recollections
The captain Moyle Sherer was one of the many British military officers who wrote their experiences during the Peninsular War, in a book published in 1823, with several reeditions. His work gives a note of originality in this kind of literature, because it moves away the main stream of chauvinism in its time and it offers a more favourable view of Spaniards and Spanish war effort.
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Aitchison, John (1981), An ensign in the Peninsular War. The letters of..., Michael Joseph, Londres. Edición de W. F. K. Thompson.
Alberich, José (1978), Bibliografía anglohispánica, The Dolphin Book Co., Oxford.
Azcárate, Pablo de (1960), Wellington y España, Espasa Calpe, Madrid.
Oman, Charles (1902-1930), A History of the Peninsular War, Londres, 7 vols.
Sherer, Moyle (1825), Recollections of the Peninsula, by the author of Sketches of India, Longman & Co., Londres, 4ª ed.
——— (1830-1832), Military Memoirs of the Duke of Wellington, Longman & Co., Londres, 2 vols.
Lean, E. Tangye (1970), The Napoleonists. A study in political disaffection 1760-1960, Oxford University Press, Oxford.