At the edge of the abyss: tragic death in German Classicism and Romanticism



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German literary suicide is here reviewed during the last stage of a period that issues from the Enlightment, sweeps over Sturm und Drang and Classicism, and leads to full Romanticism. The stoics’ vindication of free death is to be gradually reshaped into a new discourse, fraught with the insight and the dizziness of a sovereign subjectivity abandoned to private rules. The subject is charged to reinterpret, with plasticity unheard of, all civic and religious constraints, engaging into intense negotiation with the Absolute. A hospitable or pitiless nature is heralded by its sublime harbinger, death, to provide a boundless backdrop for the lonely figure of the romantic hero. As expressive limits —geography, history, genre— are swept away, sketch and stammer become viable devices. By cutting short the life span of their heroes, the authors manage to free them from the constraint of adaptation to reality. Thereby, the hero is endowed with a portable, eloquent and enigmatic status, that of the fragment.



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How to Cite

Riesco Chueca, P. (2011). At the edge of the abyss: tragic death in German Classicism and Romanticism. Cuadernos De Ilustración Y Romanticismo, (14), 85–112.

Author Biography

Pascual Riesco Chueca

Universidad de Sevilla


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