Enigms of the Teenth Symphony of Beethoven



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Like later Dvořák, Bruckner or Mahler…, Beethoven did not finish his Tenth Symphony and, two hundred and fifty years after its birth, there are many questions that this unfinished work contains, of which fragments and fragments are preserved in various institutes. From the composer's conversation notebooks, various written testimonies demonstrate Beethoven’s willingness to work on this work in the last months of his life (1826-1827), whose initial idea had coexisted with that of the monumental Ninth Symphony (1822-1824). Musicologist Barry Cooper’s (1988) reconstruction of the first movement sketches coincides, to a large extent, with the composer’s references, but, above all, with various ideas from earlier works, in what Beethoven conceived as a grandiose homage to the serenity of the Greco-Latin era, that he admired, along with some of the memories of his youth.




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How to Cite

Vela, M. (2022). Enigms of the Teenth Symphony of Beethoven. Cuadernos De Ilustración Y Romanticismo, (28), 455–474. https://doi.org/10.25267/Cuad_Ilus_romant.2022.i28.21


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