Diseño de un Método de Evaluación del Potencial Turístico de Playas desde un Enfoque de Gestión Integrada: Caso del Departamento de Magdalena, Colombia



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Scientific article
Published: 08-04-2022



On the Colombian Caribbean coast, the department of  Magdalena has a significant number of beaches for tourist  use; however, its potential is unknown, so that strategies  can be used to allow its integrated management according to the case particular of each beach. This work seeks  to contribute to this management need, through the de sign and application of a tool to qualitatively and quan titatively assess the specific tourist potential on beaches.  The assessment model was developed from the analysis of  four integrated methodologies as an instrument adapted  to the conditions of the study area and the principles of  integrated management. The application of the method  was carried out with support of remote sensors, geographic information systems, on-site surveys and post-process  corrections. As a result, characteristics of 21 beaches in

the department of Magdalena for the development of tourist activity in a framework of sustainability are identified.  According to the quantitative method, most of the beaches obtained a medium tourist potential (77.3%), while 22.7%  obtained a low tourist potential and none with a high potential; the beaches with the highest scores were El Rodadero  (0.66) and La Bahía (0.70). On the other hand, the qualitative method was more flexible to define the potential, so that  27.3% of the beaches got range of high potential and 72.7% range of medium potential. Finally, strategies and proce 

dures were defined for the integrated management of the beaches in the study area, and an input for the exercise of the  activities of public and private entities who work on sun and beach tourism was offered. 


Tourist beaches, touristic potential, integrated coastal management, sustainable tourism.

How to Cite

Claudia Patricia Manjarres Bovea, Camilo Mateo Botero Saltaren, & Cristina Isabel Pereira Pomarico. (2022). Diseño de un Método de Evaluación del Potencial Turístico de Playas desde un Enfoque de Gestión Integrada: Caso del Departamento de Magdalena, Colombia . Costas, 2(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.uca.es/index.php/costas/article/view/8937


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