From the environmental recovery of beach-dune systems in a period of confinement by COVID-19, to the return of the malpractice in beach management after confinement. The cases of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, Spain.



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Review article
Published: 09-04-2022


  • Carla Garcia-Lozano (ES) Universidad de Girona
  • Francesc Xavier Roig-Munar (ES) Investigador independiente y gestor ambiental
  • Josep Pintó (ES) Universidad de Girona


The current sanitary crisis caused by the rapid expansion of the COVID-19 disease offered the possibility of giving respite to the dune systems and allowing their natural regeneration after the effects of the storm Gloria. This storm affected the Levantine and Balearic coast between January 21 and 23, and when some systems began to recover, the hard management of the coast, compromised again the integrity of the dune systems. The urgency to have the systems "ready" for consumption and exploitation moves away from the concept of sustainable tourism management and does not contribute to adaptation to climate change.

In this work, we point out some management actions on emerged beaches that have taken place during the lockdown and deconfinement. We focus on three management actions that reveal malpractice, such as levelling and mechanical cleaning, the construction of breakwaters and the removal of Posidonia oceanica. For this, several case studies that represent some of the most well preserved beach-dune systems in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands have been chosen.


How to Cite

Garcia-Lozano, C., Roig-Munar, F. X., & Pintó, J. (2022). From the environmental recovery of beach-dune systems in a period of confinement by COVID-19, to the return of the malpractice in beach management after confinement. The cases of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, Spain. Costas, 2(2), 287–304. Retrieved from


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