Billete de ida a Cádiz



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         The city of Cádiz has evolved over time. Its streets and corners perennially recall the stories of other generations that allow us to analyze and reflect on the way of life and job opportunities that the silver cup offered its inhabitants. This article aims to be an approach to a latent reality during the 1940s in the city, describing a true story and comparing the results of the analysis with the current situation that young people from Cádiz live. Opportunities, employment and life in general have intrinsic denominations that are different for those people who have lived in previous generations to the current one in Cádiz, propitiating the reflection that we observe today in the analyzes and data tables of unemployment and youth unemployment of the statistical institutes of our country.


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How to Cite

Paredes Sáenz, J. M. (2022). Billete de ida a Cádiz. Gaditana-logía, 2(3), 77–83.


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