About the Journal

PEACE & SECURITY-PAIX ET SÉCURITÉ INTERNATIONALES is published under this title since 2021. The Journal is edited in electronic format from the University's Jean Monnet Chair and Center of Excellence de Cádiz (Editorial UCA), annually.

The content of the review focuses on International Law and International relations in general, and in the Euro-Mediterranean World in particular.


The Journal 'Paix et Sécurité Internationales'  started in 2003, at the Abdelmalek Essaadi University of Tanger-Tetouan (Morocco), by Dr. Rachid El Houdaïgui, Professor of International Law and International Relations. During the 2013-2020 period, it was co-directed by Dr. El Houdaïgui with Professor of Public International Law Dr. Alejandro del Valle-Gálvez,

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