Rivalité et quête de leadership au Moyen-Orient a la lumière de l’accord sur le programme nucléaire iranien
Security Challenges in the Middle East, Rivalry and Leadership Search: Analysis in Light of the Agreement on the Iranian Nuclear ProgramAbstract: One of the main sources of tension in the Middle East is Iran’s foreign policy and its ambiguous nuclear program. The 14th of July’s agreement marked the beginning of a new era. However, Israel’s lack of confidence towards Iran, rivalty and hostile relations between Saudi Arabia are obstructing any initiatives to resolve this conflict that is threatening the stability of the region. This paper analyzes the major geopolitical and strategic challenges facing the stability of the Middle East. For this propose, we analyze Iran’s defense and foreign policy, its nuclear program, the Israeli defense and foreign policy and its position towards Iran’s nuclear program. Furthermore, we shed light on the persistent rivalry and hostility between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Finally, we examine the factors leading into the conclusion of this agreement, the current state of conflict, and the possible future scenarios.
Keywords: Middle East ;nuclear program, ; Iran ; Israel ; Saudi Arabia.
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