OTAN et contre-asymetrie: Ambiguïté et difficulté d’adaptation



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Published: 07-10-2018


  • Abdelhamid Bakkali (MA) Université Mohamed V - Rabat


Otan and Counter-asymmetry : Ambiguity and Difficulty Adapting

Abstract: This article looks at the place of counter-asymmetry in NATO strategic posture. It is a question of reexamining, through a historic-analytic approach, the evolution of how NATO addresses the asymmetric threats, be it during or after the cold war era. This implies that no matter how pervasive the asymmetric threat is, terrorist or insurrectional, NATO adopted an ambiguous posture since it was created in 1949 until the attacks of September 11, 2001. Since then however, we noticed great adaptation efforts with the implementation of a counter-asymmetric doctrine, which is seen, at the end the day, more like a catharsis of the Afghanistan experience. In this respect, a paradigmatic revolution becomes necessary in order to break NATO free from the legacy of the cold war and build a multi-dimensional strategy that integrates solutions for security, political, socio-economical, cultural issues…etc. 

Keywords: NATO, counter-asymmetry, counter-insurgency (COIN), terrorism, asymmetric threats.


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How to Cite

Bakkali, A. (2018). OTAN et contre-asymetrie: Ambiguïté et difficulté d’adaptation. PEACE & SECURITY-PAIX ET SÉCURITÉ INTERNATIONALES (EuroMediterranean Journal of International Law and International Relations), (05), 219–230. https://doi.org/10.25267/Paix_secur_int.2017.i5.09

Author Biography

Abdelhamid Bakkali, Université Mohamed V - Rabat

Expert des questions stratégiques et doctorant