Droit à la vie en famille. Un parcours difficile depuis le Maroc



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Dossier: Droit International Privé: Droit de Famille au Maroc
Published: 28-10-2018



The Right to Family Life. A Difficult Path from Morocco

Abstract: The right to family life and family intimacy are key in any migration policy, but the "fear" of family reunification as gateway and their potential multiplier effect has been, and continues to be, a constant in contemporary international migration management. However, it should be noted, that the object of this work is not to analyze, in general, the regulation of the family reunification at international or european level even in the Spanish one. The aim is to focus the study on a very specific issue, with the purpose of being a guide for those Moroccans who want to come to Spain as spouses or partners of a Spanish or another nationals of thirds States. The journey is long, as it will be analyzed, and is fraught with difficulties. The marriage with a Spanish is no longer synonymous with safe and easy entry. And not to say if instead of a Spanish national your union is with other national of third State. The obstacles are incessant and reunification tired complicated.

Keywords: Family reunification, free movement of persons, National Moroccan, spouses and partners.


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How to Cite

Soto Moya, M. (2018). Droit à la vie en famille. Un parcours difficile depuis le Maroc. PEACE & SECURITY-PAIX ET SÉCURITÉ INTERNATIONALES (EuroMediterranean Journal of International Law and International Relations), (04), 137–166. https://doi.org/10.25267/Paix_secur_int.2016.i4.07