La souhaitable inclusion des opérations de paix dans la Charte des Nations Unies
The Desirable Inclusion of Peace Operations in the United Nations CharterThis paper argues that the reform of the UN Charter should incorporate into its text the concepts relating to the peacekeeping operations. It is known that these arose makeshift way before the need to cool down armed conflicts of all kinds, and its evolution lacked an adequate conceptual framework for many years. The systematization of its elements, such as organization, protocols, rules of engagement or field support, has been the result of long practical experience, but a systematic legal codification has not been undertaken. We believe it necessary to incorporate the reality of these peacekeeping missions expressly to the Charter of the United Nations to provide them with greater legal certainty, since they constitute one of the most visible and evaluated UN instruments of action.
Keywords: Reform of the Charter of the United Nations, peace missions.
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