La transhumance Transfrontalière en Afrique de l’Ouest
The cross-border transhumance in Western AfricaIn our days, it is indisputable that the transhumance in cross-border Sahel countries is in the core of all the analyzes focused on the cross-border cooperation and local development in Africa. This explains without doubt all the complexity which envelope the hulling of such a topic in view of the vastness of its scope of application. In fact, dealing with the cross-border transhumance is not an easy thing, on the contrary, it is a delicate task which requires an approach very methodical, and considerable knowledge of specific thematic to cortex pastoral legal in Africa.
Therefore it would be wise to ask the question of what are the existing legal instruments on the cross-border transhumance in West Africa? The African Union is protecting the rights to pastoral communities? What are the devices at the same time State but also associative put in place by the countries of West Africa in order to better regulate the cross-border transhumance?
My analysis will focus therefore on the contours of the growing recognition of the right of pastoral communities by regional forums African (I). I am also interested in the analysis of different legal instruments guaranteeing the vitality of transhumants at local level (II).
Keywords: Transhumance, West Africa, cross-border Cooperation.
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