La Politique maritime intégrée de l'UE et les bassins maritimes européens
European Union's Integrated Maritime Policy and European Sea Basins
Abstract: Since 2007 the EU is trying to implement an integrated maritime policy which covers areas as diverse as fishing, navigation and ports, marine environment, marine research, energy production, ship-building industry, maritime security, tourism and employment, coastal developments and external relations concerning maritime affairs. The aim of our work is to present, first, the legal pillars of this new policy, and then show regional approach about European sea basins.
Key Words: European Union; Integrated Maritime Policy ; Law of the Sea ; Sea Basins.
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Sobrino Heredia, J.M. (2013). La politique maritime intégrée de l’union Européenne et les bassins maritimes européens, PEACE & SECURITY-PAIX ET SÉCURITÉ INTERNATIONALES (EuroMediterranean Journal of International Law and International Relations, 01.