La La participation du Maroc au Partenariat de Deauville sur Fond de transition dans les pays arabes
Morocco's Participation in Deauville Partnership Background Transition in Arab Countries.Abstract: In the context of the "Arab Spring", the international community decided to support the Arab countries engaged in reform processes or democratic change. That is the goal of the Deauville Partnership launched in France in May 2011. To this end, there is no denying that it can be argued that Morocco is ahead of the other partner countries stakeholders in this partnership. Indeed, the reforms initiated by the latter, supported and consolidated under the new constitution in July 2011, put Morocco in a comfortable enough situation. But vigilance should remain in force, since the process is in fact never interrupted, the reforms are an ongoing process. The objective here is not to expose the list of reforms that have been introduced or set in motion, but our goal is to look to those directly aligned with the objectives of the Deauville Partnership.
Keywords: International community, job creation, financial crisis, development, financing, Governance, international institutions, regional integration, partnership, Arab Spring, participation, stabilization.
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