La construction de l’interdépendance entre l’Espagne et le Maroc (1995-2009)
Building Interdependence between Spain and Morocco (1995-2009)Abstract: Relations between Spain and Morocco are characterised since 1956 by a pattern of cyclical instability, which is largely linked to the latter’s stepwise decolonisation process and the persistence of Moroccan territorial claims. Taking advantage of the diversification in bilateral relations witnessed as of Spain’s accession to the European Community in 1986, the Spanish diplomacy promoted the doctrine of the "colchón de intereses" (buffer of interests) as a way to inject stability into them. This article aims at assessing the results of that policy by analysing the evolution of indicators of interdependence between both countries between 1995 and 2009. It uses for this purpose the Integrated Database on Foreign Policy (BDPEX) developed by GRESAM in the framework of the research project “Actors and interests in Spain’s external relations with the Arab and Muslim world” (CSO2008-06232-C03-03/CPOL).
Keywords: Spain, Morocco, Foreign Policy, International Relations.
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