Le Détroit de Gibraltar et l’application de la normative de l’Union Europeenne relative aux énergies renouvelables
The Strait of Gibraltar and the Application of the Rules of the European Union on Renewable EnergyAbstract: The purpose of this paper is to review the configuration and point out the weaknesses of the main legal regimes of environmental protection of the Mediterranean Sea applicable to the implementation of marine renewable energies in the maritime and coastal areas of the EU, focusing on Strait of Gibraltar. Renewable energy sources have become a strategic industry for Europe over the last years due, among other things, to the need for finding cheap and clean energy sources. Within this context, marine renewable energies attract a lot of attention from the EU and several Member States. However, the development of this industry without a sound environmental protection and preservation policy and regulation, might well result in a rather negative impact on the affected marine ecosystems. On the other hand, the legal framework established by the EU and other international legal regimes for the protection of the marine environment seems to give much room for Member States putting economic objectives before environmental considerations.
Keywords: Environmental protection; renewable energy sources; marine ecosystems; territorial waters; Strait of Gibraltar; European Union.
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