La vision de la Méditerranée depuis les deux rives: une perspective à débattre
The Vision of the Mediterranean from both Sides: a Perspective DebateAbstract: The analysis of a corpus of 60 speeches of four leaders of the Mediterranean region, the king of Morocco and the presidents of Algeria, France and Tunisia, leaves, through a computer-assisted text analysis, reveals a place that does not significantly vary from one speech to another of the term "Mediterranean" and its derivatives taken in the immediate lexical environment.
The quantitative analysis was confirmed by a qualitative analysis which noted a convergence of views in the vision of the four leaders and their representation of the Mediterranean. But the convergence hides some reserves on the Union for the Mediterranean project whose idea was launched by former French President Nicolas Sarkozy in 2008 as the culmination of the "process of Barcelona" which began in 1995.
Keywords: Mediterranean; discourse analysis; textual analysis; Euro-Mediterranean; Union for the Mediterranean.
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