Le Maroc, un “acteur emancipé” dans la géopolitique sahelienne



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Published: 30-12-2018


  • Beatriz Mesa (ES) University of Cadiz
  • Yousra Hamdaoui (SN) Timbuktu Institute-African Center for Peace Studies


Morocco, an “Emancipated Actor” in Sahelian Geopolitics

ABSTRACT: The new African policy of Morocco during the last fi ve years of the reign of Mohamed VI allowed the Maghreb country not only to diversify its strategic alliances which focused mainly on Europe but to gain more infl uence in West Africa and in Central Africa. In fact, on the one hand, the mediation of the monarchy imbued with the values of Sunni Islam by promoting a “religious security” after the Libyan and Malian conflicts. On the other hand, the gradual presence of Moroccan companies on the African market has repositioned the Moroccan state in the region, especially since the reoccupation of the «empty chair» at the African Union in 2017. This date attributed to Morocco a privileged place in the geopolitical landscape of the Sahelo-Sahelian space. In this article, we are not interested in the reasons that led Morocco to review its foreign policy, but in the tools of the new foreign policy that enabled it to move from a «passive» actor to a «mediator» and an «emancipated» actor in the Sahel region.


Security, Morocco’s foreign policy, Geopolitics, Sahel, violent extremism, Religious security, Emancipation, migratory diplomacy


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How to Cite

Mesa, B., & Hamdaoui, Y. (2018). Le Maroc, un “acteur emancipé” dans la géopolitique sahelienne. PEACE & SECURITY-PAIX ET SÉCURITÉ INTERNATIONALES (EuroMediterranean Journal of International Law and International Relations), (06), 131–143. https://doi.org/10.25267/Paix_secur_int.2018.i6.07


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