L’ investissement direct étranger en tant que facteur géopolitique du Soft Power marocain en Afrique : réflexion interprétative
Foreign direct investment as a geopolitical factor of moroccan soft power in Africa: interpretive reflection
ABSTRACT: Foreign direct investment is today implicitly instrumentalised by the States, country of origin of FDI, with the aim of causing an external economic dependence of the host countries and this in order to have a soft power with economic connotation in order to ultimately defend their geopolitical interests. For its part, Morocco has made its intracontinental FDI a considerable instrument within the framework of its African policy, in particular by becoming one of the first intra-African investors in 2016, knowing that this status coincides, among others, with his return to the African Union and on the other hand with the agreement in principle he obtained to integrate ECOWAS.In this regard, this work will provide an analytical interpretation that will try to dissect the geopolitical ventilation of Moroccan public and private investments in Africa.
KEYWORDS: Foreign direct investment; Morocco; Africa; Soft-Power; Geopolitics.
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