¿Sobrevivirá el Plan Mares al Plan Integral de Seguridad Marítima? La falta de doctrina estratégica española hacia el área del Estrecho de Gibraltar



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Published: 16-12-2019


  • Luis Romero Bartumeus (ES) Universidad de Cádiz, España


Will Strait Plan survive Maritime Security Integral Plan? The  lack of spanish strategic doctrine towards the area of the strait of Gibraltar

The approval of new Maritime Security Action Plan by National Security Council addresses the need to review previous Maritime Security Integral Plan for Strait of Gibraltar, entitled MARES Plan, with the aim of developing a Maritime Security Plan including all areas under Spanish sovereignty. It is unclear whether MARES Plan will survive the new Plan or will become an annex of it. Over the last few decades, the Strait of Gibraltar has suffered ups and downs in terms of relevance in politico-strategic papers. Therefore, a consistent doctrine on this internationally relevant area has not been set. One further consequence of it was the designation of a Coordinating Authority to fight against irregular immigration outside of the National Security System.


MARES Plan, Strait of Gibraltar, Maritime Security Action Plan, National Maritime Security Strategy, National Security Strategy


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How to Cite

Romero Bartumeus, L. (2019). ¿Sobrevivirá el Plan Mares al Plan Integral de Seguridad Marítima? La falta de doctrina estratégica española hacia el área del Estrecho de Gibraltar. PEACE & SECURITY-PAIX ET SÉCURITÉ INTERNATIONALES (EuroMediterranean Journal of International Law and International Relations), (07), 361–381. https://doi.org/10.25267/Paix_secur_int.2019.i7.13


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