The Maritime Delimitation between Turkey and the Libya’s Government of National Accord: another Concern for the European Union?


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Published: 25-10-2021



The complicated physical and political geography of the Eastern Mediterranean makes it a region in which conflicts between parties are always ready to escalate. In this context, the adoption of a Memorandum of Understanding between Turkey and the Libya’s Government of National Accord seem to add fuel to the fire. Apart from the impact on the energy geopolitics of the Eastern Mediterranean, this agreement has raised the concerns of the European Union which considers that it infringes upon the sovereign rights of Greece and cannot produce any legal consequences for an EU member State.



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Jiménez García-Carriazo, Ángeles. (2021). The Maritime Delimitation between Turkey and the Libya’s Government of National Accord: another Concern for the European Union?. PEACE & SECURITY-PAIX ET SÉCURITÉ INTERNATIONALES (EuroMediterranean Journal of International Law and International Relations), (09).


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