From the Challenge to American Hegemony to the Reconfiguration of the Post-1945 International Order
The aim of this article is to analyse the origin and manifestations of the crisis of the liberal international order. The method used consists in showing, with the help of resolutions and other complementary documents, that international law has sometimes been nothing more than an instrument for the quest, the maintenance or the struggle for hegemony. In order to do so, this study uses a comparative approach between the practice developed by both Western and emerging powers. Thus, the results obtained are diverse. Indeed, it would seem that the crisis of the liberal international order is materialised by a succession of crises that affect both the functioning of the institutions of international cooperation and its rules. One of the high points of this crisis seems to be the war in Ukraine, the outcome of which could lead to a profound change, or even a reconfiguration of the world international order.
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