About the Journal

Periférica is an open space, promoting reflection on knowledge and the analysis of culture. It is a forum in which to express ideas, debate cultural management and to participate and give feedback through the different sections and editorial lines. This forum gathers texts that provide knowledge to the cultural management field in its broadest sense, knowledge regarding heritage, museums, tourism, scenic arts, or ethnology.

All articles published in Periférica are originals and have not been previously published and shall not be simultaneously submitted for publication to any other journal. These articles must be related to culture. This journal accepts research articles, opinion articles, creations, and essays.

Periférica is an annual journal, and its main goal is to contribute to the literature and analysis of culture and territory, as well as to the training of cultural managers and to the dissemination of original works. These original works are born from research, theoretical reflections, debates, essays and critical reviews on topics related to the general study of cultural management and, notably, sociology, territory, philosophy, arts, education and research.

Periférica presents two types of sections: one restricted to the publication of requested articles aimed at writers, journalists, cultural managers, lecturers and researchers (Chronicles, Monographs, Topics, Interviews…), and an open section, divided into a further two sections: Experiences and Ópera prima, aimed at fostering research studies and contributions from experts developing their research or activities in the cultural management field and to students from Degree, Master Degree and Doctorate programmes willing to submit a manuscript arising from their training. The Editorial Board will assess the works and decide which section is the most appropriate for the publication of each manuscript.

Periférica Internacional. Revista para el análisis de la cultura y el Territorio offers open and free access to all its contents.

ISSN: 1577-1172 

E-ISSN: 2445-2696

DOI Revista: https://dx.doi.org/10.25267/Periferica


Double-blind peer review

The manuscripts received are, first of all, subject to the decision of the Editorial Board, where it is determined whether the documents received are connected to the thematic line of the journal, are potentially interesting for its readers, and follow the publication and author guidelines. The Editorial Board may reject a manuscript without having previously assessed it, whether it is considered that it does not adhere to form or content guidelines or that it does not tie in with the thematic line.

Articles published in the Experiences and Ópera prima, sections of this Journal will undergo a “peer” and “double-blind” review in which at least two expert reviewers, external experts who do not belong to the journal, will assess the contents of the article, resorting to a third reviewer if necessary. Therefore, authors must exclude their names and affiliations from the manuscripts.

The Editorial Board will decide upon the publication or rejection of articles in light of the external reports.

The aforementioned experts will upload the corresponding reports and their decision to the web application of the journal. The secretary or the editor responsible for the process will communicate the decision to the authors.

This decision may be:

Submission accepted

Publishable with amendments

Resend for review

Resend to a different publication  

Not publishable

Every published article will show the receipt and acceptance dates.

Section Policies


The EDITORIAL section is not open to spontaneous submissions. This is a space to express, in this case, the opinion of the Journal, namely, what we think or believe about different issues that concern us, on which we reflect and about which we constantly debate. These are adept opinions expounding views on the matters on which they are expert.

 Open submissions


 Peer reviewed


This section expounds the opinion of an author on a topical subject, following a thorough analysis and interpretation. Its aim is to awaken the interest of public opinion, dealing with topics or issues in the first person.

 Open submissions


 Peer reviewed



This section aims to share the opinions of prominent individuals with regards to culture. Thus, it gathers contributions of interest for the readers of the journal, such as interviews with researchers, cultural managers, etc.

 Open submissions


 Peer reviewed


This section collects the results of empirical, experimental, or conceptual research studies on issues related to the analysis of culture and cultural management. Empirical studies must foster the development of knowledge in the field, through research works with well-founded methodologies, that are critically conducted and appropriately analysed. The content of the articles must be aligned with the main principles of the journal and the author guidelines. Assessment of the proposals will mainly consider the suitability of the topic and the reasoning process, its relevancy and originality, and its formal and methodological accuracy.

 Open submissions


 Peer reviewed



The section labelled CHRONICLES successively narrates, in an orderly manner, different facts or events with personal views on the matter, whilst always remaining objective. Mainly presenting a double narrative genre, partly literary and partly with a journalistic approach.

 Open submissions


 Peer reviewed



The MONOGRAPHS section accepts submissions from all interested individuals, whose manuscripts will be assessed and edited under the supervision of the coordinator appointed for each monograph, or the authors whom this coordinator may invite to participate. All submissions, open or by invitation, will be assessed equally.


No double-blind peer review.

Only original and unpublished articles are accepted, and these shall not be simultaneously submitted for publication to any other journals within the field of culture, art, history or literature in Spain, America, and Europe. This section accepts manuscripts written in Spanish, English, French, or Portuguese, that follow the editorial line of the Journal described in the introduction.

 Open submissions


 Peer reviewed



The REVIEWS section aims to present the release of recent publications (books, reports, monographs, compilations, etc.) to our readers, relating to the topics of this Journal. The section will be open to every author interested, or to proposals from the Editorial Board.

Reviews will present a page header with the complete reference of the reviewed book following this order: Name and surname(s), title, name of the editor, translator or compiler, city, publisher, year, number of pages. The name of the author (or authors) shall appear at the end of the review with right alignment and using small caps. Reviews, in general terms, will not show page footers, nor reference lists at the end.


No double-blind peer review.

The maximum length shall be four or five pages and submissions must follow the instructions established by the author guidelines. The Editorial Board will decide upon their relevance and publication.

 Open submissions


 Peer reviewed



 Open submissions


 Peer reviewed


The objective of the EXPERIENCES section is to promote research studies and contributions from experts developing their research or activities in the cultural management field. The manuscripts submitted must be connected to the usual topic lines of Periférica Internacional. Revista para el análisis de la Cultura y el Territorio.

Double-blind peer review.


PERIFÉRICA selects articles for the EXPERIENCES section through a double-blind peer review. Once the editors of the journal verify that the articles comply with the content and style requirements described in the author guidelines, the manuscript will be sent to two anonymous reviewers.

The editor will inform the authors of the result of the assessment (rejected, accepted with amendments, or accepted), as well as the remarks and comments of the reviewers if necessary.

If the manuscripts have been accepted with amendments, the authors shall send a new version within fifteen days, which will undergo a new review process carried out by the Scientific Board.

Ópera prima

 Open submissions


 Peer reviewed


The purpose of this ÓPERA PRIMA section is to foster the research and studies of students from different stages:

  • Degree students willing to present articles emerging from their Final Degree Project.
  • Masters degree students willing to present articles emerging from their Masters Final Degree Project.
  • Doctoral students willing to present articles emerging from their doctoral process.

Double-blind peer review.


All manuscripts submitted will be related to the usual thematic lines of Periférica Internacional. Revista para el Análisis de la Cultura y el Territorio.

About gender equality

PERIFÉRICA Internacional, will adopt the measures to guarantee a minimum percentage of 40% of women in the composition of its different editorial bodies (Management, Edition, Secretariat, Editorial Board and Advisory Board), as well as among the people who evaluate our publications.

PERIFÉRICA Internacional recommends that authors use inclusive and non-sexist language in all proposed articles and in cases in which their works contemplate the gender variable, report on possible influences of the same on the results and conclusions obtained. .

Conservation guarantees: Once the articles are published, this journal guarantees the conservation of the "Crossref" digital files through the registration of digital object identifiers of the International DOI Foundation.

Download and review statistics

PERIFÉRICA Internacional will provide statistics on the downloads of their works to the authors who request it.

Percentage of acceptance and rejection of manuscripts for the year 2022:

Accepted 76%

Rejected 24%


2021  2022

Costs for publishing

Publishing in PERIFÉRICA Internacional does not require any cost for the authors.




ISSN: 1577-1172

E-ISSN: 2445-2696

DOI Revista: https://dx.doi.org/10.25267/Periferica

URL: https://revistas.uca.es/index.php/periferica

Privacy statement
The names and e-mail addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes declared by this publication and will not be made available for any other purpose or person.

Open access policy
This journal provides open access to its content, based on the principle that providing the public with free access to research contributes to a greater global exchange of knowledge.

The authors can maintain the Copyright, granting the journal the right of first publication. The journal will allow the authors the non-commercial use of the work, including the right to place it in an open access file in institutional repositories or on personal web pages with public access. Likewise, prior to its publication, they may include the final version of their accepted manuscripts.

This work is licensed under a licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internaciona
Licencia de Creative Commons

Use of interoperability protocols

PERIPHERAL International, uses the OAI-PMH protocol (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) that allows the transfer of digital resources, mainly scientific and freely accessible. It is available at: https://revistas.uca.es/index.php/periferica/oai?verb=Identify

Code of ethics, anti-plagiarism policy and bad practices

Ethical statement

PERIFÉRICA Internacional is a publication aimed at communicating and sharing views on the socio-cultural phenomenon, through contributions from specialists in the world of cultural management, creation and research, as well as the publication of research and open call papers. The Advisory Board and Editorial Board of PERIFÉRICA Internacional takes as a reference the indications contained in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and in its own Declaration of ethics and good practices. The full text can be found here.

Download Ethical Commitment Periférica Internacional

Anti-plagiarism policy

International Peripheral. Magazine for the analysis of culture and territory, maintains an anti-plagiarism policy that ensures that all published works are unpublished and original, as well as have not been previously published in another format (in whole or in part), or are involved in any evaluation process or awaiting an opinion by another publication or magazine. In this sense, it is intended that the contributions be unpublished, through Crossref.

According to our code of ethics, both plagiarism and self-plagiarism are considered unacceptable.

In addition, there are tools to detect plagiarism and for this, we use TURNITIN. Regarding the process, initially all the texts received for possible publication will be submitted to an anti-plagiarism review through the TURNITIN program. Any percentage of coincidence greater than 20% (without counting the bibliographical references) is considered unaffordable and, consequently, all the works that incur in it are rejected, indicating this circumstance as the cause.

We only have one exception to this rule:

That the coincidences correspond to academic works of the author not published before, nor in the process of being published: doctoral theses, master's thesis, other works included in repositories, but not published.

If, once the journal has been published, any form of plagiarism or malpractice regarding an article is detected, it will be removed from the online publication without prior notice and without the need to notify the author. The Magazine condemns any copyright infringement, as well as direct plagiarism or any similar form thereof.

Bad habits
To guarantee the rigor of the investigations published Periférica Internacional. Magazine for the analysis of culture and territory, adheres to the principles of transparency and good editorial practices established by the Code of Conduct for editors of scientific journals of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics).

Likewise, it assumes its obligation to act accordingly in case of suspicion of bad practices or misconduct or if they receive a complaint of misconduct. This obligation extends to both published and unpublished papers and will not only reject manuscripts that raise concerns about possible misconduct, but they are considered ethically obligated to report alleged instances of misconduct, ensuring that a proper investigation is carried out. Thorough investigation of alleged cases of misconduct.

In this sense, the journal will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the works submitted for evaluation are rigorous and ethically appropriate and that errors, inaccurate or misleading statements are corrected immediately and prominently following the COPE guidelines in relation to the retractions, and responding quickly to complaints, ensuring a mechanism to respond to the claims presented, following the procedure established in the COPE flowchart in relation to complaints and claims.

It will also follow the COPE flowcharts where applicable and will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that a thorough investigation of alleged cases of misconduct is carried out.

Editors' responsibilities

The editors of Periférica Internacional. Magazine for the analysis of culture and territory are committed to:

Ensure the quality of the material they publish, maintaining the academic integrity of the evaluated content and guaranteeing freedom of expression.
Continuously improve the quality of the journal, so that it can be considered a space of interest within its scientific field.
Meet the needs of readers and authors.
Maintain the confidentiality of the contents sent for publication, as well as the authorship and review in the evaluation process.
The editors will not use the data contained in the texts to be published without the explicit consent of the author.
Post corrections and retractions when necessary.
Publishers should consider retracting a publication if:

They have strong evidence that the findings are unreliable, either as a result of material error (eg, miscalculation or experimental error) or as a result of fabrication (eg, data) or falsification (eg. example: manipulation of images).
It constitutes plagiarism.
Contains material or data not authorized for use.
Contains unethical research.
Results have been previously published in another resource without proper source attribution or communication to the publisher, permission to republish, or justification (eg, cases of redundant publication)
Copyright infringement or other significant legal issues exist (eg defamation, privacy).
The publication is the result of a compromised or manipulated peer review process.
The author(s) did not declare a material conflict (ie, a conflict of interest) that, according to the editor, would have affected the interpretations, work, or recommendations of the editors and peer reviewers.

Authors' responsibilities:

Authors who submit their research to Periférica Internacional. Magazine for the analysis of culture and territory are responsible for the following aspects:

The works submitted will be original investigations and will not contain academic plagiarism, they must also avoid repeating information already developed by other researchers, unless they contribute new approaches or report considerable advances in knowledge.
All authors who have contributed to the work must be correctly identified as such in it.
The sources used will be clearly indicated in the text, as well as in the bibliography, in accordance with the standards established by the journal.

The authors will be responsible for the contents and opinions of their studies; In this sense and to ensure the veracity of the same, in case of detecting any important error, they must notify the editors, who will determine if the correction is made in the text or its metadata, or if the "Notes" section is used. for rectification.
The authors will adapt their works to the publication standards of the journal and will follow the guidelines established for each of its sections.
The work will not be being evaluated by another publication, if this fact is detected the article will be rejected.

Conflict of interests

"Periférica Internacional" will enable/adapt the necessary mechanisms to avoid/solve possible conflicts of interest of authors, evaluators and/or the editorial team itself.

Claims and resources

The authors may appeal and qualify editorial decisions in a reasoned manner. Periférica Internacional undertakes to respond quickly to complaints received and to ensure that dissatisfied complainants can channel other complaints. The final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript will not be modified unless some irregularity in the process is appreciated or new information relevant to the editorial decision has been provided. In any case, if the interested parties are unable to satisfy their claims, it is considered that they have the right to raise their protests to other instances.

If you have questions and wish to appeal or file a complaint, please contact: info.periferica@uca.es

Intellectual property and rights

The responsibility of the images published in the magazine will be their authors, who must have the necessary permissions for their reproduction.

Post-publication discussion and corrections

The journal follows the retraction guidelines published by COPE (https://publicationethics.org/retraction-guidelines).

Publication frequency

International Peripheral. Magazine for the analysis of culture and territory, is an annual magazine. Its numbers are published online and on paper, at the beginning of January of each year.

Acquisition of copies in paper format

Anyone interested in purchasing paper copies of Periférica magazine can do so through the following address:


Work-author identification

PERIFÉRICA Internacional requires authors to include their  ORCID to favor the correct identification of their works.

User Service Mailbox

PERIFÉRICA Internacional establishes a direct channel for submitting suggestions and complaints via email info.periferica@uca.es

The management of possible conflicts of interest of editors, authors and reviewers will be directed by the Editorial Board. If you do not accept the decision, you may present allegations for study before the Advisory Council in the first instance and before the Publications Service of the University of Cádiz in the second and last instance.

External Reviewers

“Periférica Internacional. Revista para el análisis de la Cultura y el Territorio” would like to express its gratitude to the following experts, who have contributed their reports in external review processes.

Relación de revisores (2020-2021)

Alberto Ramos Santana. Catedrático de la Universidad de Cádiz. España

Juan Adolfo Chica Ruiz. Profesor Titular de la Universidad de Cádiz. España

Ana Luz Castillo Barrios. Movimiento Sutil. Cultura, salud y bienestar. Guatemala

Daniel Mantero Vázquez. Universidad de Huelva. España

Carlos Manuel Quiñonez. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Argentina

Leonor Acosta Bustamante. Profesora Contratada Doctora. Universidad de Cádiz. España

José Marchena Domínguez. Profesor Titular de la Universidad de Cádiz. España

Antonio Sánchez Alarcón. Profesor Titular de la Universidad de Cádiz. España

Manuel J. Parodi Álvarez. Universidad de Sevilla. España

Álvaro Campelo Veiga. Propietario de Malamúsica Discos. España

Jesús Serván Amaya. Profesor de Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria. España

Felipe Barbosa Illesca. Diputación Provincial de Cádiz. España

Ángel Cazorla Martín. Profesor Ayudante Doctor. Universidad de Granada. España

Jacinto Porro Gutiérrez. Delegado del Rector para las Políticas de Responsabilidad Social y Corporativa. Universidad de Cádiz. España


Ana Luz Castillo Barrios. Movimiento Sutil. Cultura, salud y bienestar. Guatemala

Ahtziri Erendira Molina Roldán. Universidad Veracruzana. México

Francisco Fuentes Aragón. Gestor Cultural. GECA. España

José Antonio Fernández Domínguez. Ayuntamiento de Cádiz. España

Leonor Acosta Bustamante. Profesora Contratada Doctora. Universidad de Cádiz. España

Regina Nascimento Silva. Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Brasil

Diego Caro Cancela. Catedrático de la Universidad de Cádiz. España

José Ramón Barros Caneda. Profesor Contratado Doctor de la Universidad de Cádiz. España

Francisco Vázquez García. Catedrático de la Universidad de Cádiz. España


Leonor Acosta Bustamante. Profesora Contratada Doctora. Universidad de Cádiz. España

Gonzalo Sánchez Gardey. Catedrático de la Universidad de Cádiz. España

Álvaro Rojas Vázquez. Colaborador honorario de la Universidad de Cádiz. España

Francisco Fuentes Aragón. Gestor Cultural. GECA. España

Jesús Micó Palero. Comisario de exposiciones y Fotógrafo. España

Jesús Heredia Luque. Jefe del Área de Tecnologías de la Información. Universidad de Cádiz. España