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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Publication guidelines

Periférica admits original works written in Spanish, English, French, or Portuguese, following the editorial line of the journal, as previously described. Manuscripts should be submitted through the following link A completely blind version will be submitted in which all metadata of the text file has been deleted, as well as any direct or indirect references or self-citations that may suggest the identity of the author. Should you have any questions,please use the following e-mail address:

Periférica is a journal for which there are no submission nor publication charges. In return, Periférica follows an Open Access policy.

2. The articles submitted will not consist of more than 30,000 characters with spaces. The author will head the article with two abstracts, one in Spanish and one in English (the abstracts will be of between 100 and 150 words in length), keywords in both languages (five or six words), title of the article (titles in Spanish will also be translated into English), and the date of submission. As part of the submission process, authors must complete the following Form.

3. The position of tables, pictures or illustration shall be clearly indicated within the text. All images will be attached in digital format (JPG or PNG format) with a high resolution,a minimum of 300 points of real resolution. The author will label all images with their corresponding footers and the exact position of the image in the article will be specified.

The Periférica journal understands that authors have all the relevant rights for publication of the images that they provide.

4. Periférica aimsto publish two types of articles. On the one hand, those in the Topics and Monographs sections, which will be developed by experts on monographic topics. Firstly, manuscripts will be subject to the decision of the Editorial Board, where it will be determined whether the documents received are related to the thematic line of the journal, are potentially interesting for its readers, meet the publication criteria and follow the author guidelines. The Editorial Board may reject an article, without assessing it, if it is considered that it does not adhere to form or content guidelines or that it does not tie in with the thematic line.

The aforementioned experts will upload the corresponding report and their decision to the web application of the journal. The secretary or the editor responsible for the process will communicate the decision to the authors. The Journal is not obliged to return the manuscripts, regardless of whether these are accepted for publication or rejected

5. Periférica is published under a Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0. whose complete text can be accessed Therefore, copying, distributing, and publicly communicating the works is allowed, as long as the author and Periféricaare cited, but no commercial uses nor the creation of derived works are allowed. The contents of the journal will be openly stored on the internet,enabling their free download when the issue of the journal is published, according to the aforementioned frequency of publication.


Edition Guidelines


1. The text will be justified. Manuscripts will be no longer than 30,000 characters. Single-line spacing, 12-point size Garamond font; citations and reference lists at the end will use 11-point size font; and notes will use 10-point. the whole text (notes, citations and reference list included). Pages will not be numbered, and neither headers, footers, nor internal references to pages or notes of the work will be used.

Abbreviations: use p. and pp. to indicate the pages; nº for numbers; s. for sheet and ss. for sheets,etc.

Reference notes will be included at the end of the article as per the following abbreviated style: surname(s) of the author and initials in capital letters, comma, full stop, year of publication in parentheses, and pages from which the quotation is retrieved. In the body of the text, the reference marks will be indicated with a number and in parentheses.

COHEN, A. (1984), pp. 40-41.

2. Following the notes, the final reference list will present the works cited in the articlein alphabetical order. The referencing system used will be Harvard Style, as per the following indications:

Books: Surname(s) and initial(s) of the authorin capital letters, [in editions, collaborations or translations completely cited, it will be indicated as follows: (edn) (collab.) (trans.)], year in parentheses, title of the work in italics, city of publication, publishing house.

SÁNCHEZ HUETE, M.A. (2019),  Tributación, fraude y blanqueo de capitales: entre la prevención y la represión. Madrid: Marcial Pons.

Print journal articles: Surname(s) and initial(s) of the authorin capital letters, year in parentheses, title of the article in quotation marks, full stop, title of the journal in italics, volume of the journal (number of the part in parentheses), number(s) of page(s) preceded by the abbreviation pp.

WOLITZKY, A. (2018) "Learning from Others' Outcomes", American Economic Review, 108(10), pp. 2763-2801.

Online journal articles: elements appear as in print sources. If the document has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier),it is incorporated after the other information.

Surname(s) and initial(s) of the author in capital letters, year in parentheses, title of the article in quotation marks, full stop, title of the journal in italics, volume of the journal (number of the part in parentheses), number(s) of page(s) preceded by the abbreviation pp.


For articles with no DOI, the retrieval URL and the access date will be included.

Available at: http:// electronic address [Accessed 12-02-2020].

Chapter in monograph / book: Surname(s) and initial(s) of the authorof the chapterin capital letters, year in parentheses. "Title of the chapter in quotation marks". In: Surname(s) and initial(s) of the editor ed(s). (Coord.). Title of the book (in italics). Place of publication: publisher, p.

ÁLVAREZ, I. Y GÓMEZ, I. (2009). “PISA, un proyecto internacional de evaluación auténtica: luces y sombras”. In: MONEREO, C.(Coord.). Pisa como excusa: repensar la evaluación para cambiar la enseñanza. Barcelona: Graó, pp. 91-110.

Thesis, Degree or Masters Final Degree project: Surname(s) and initial(s) of the authorin capital letters (year of submission). Title of the dissertation or thesis (in italics). Academic level. Universitygrantingtheacademic diploma.

RIQUELME QUIÑONERO, M. T. (2016). Lectura arqueológica de los espacios públicos y privados en la arquitectura residencial de la huerta alicantina del siglo XIX. Final Degree Project. University of Alicante.

Website: Author(s) of the Web (year of publication/or last update). Title of the website. Available at: URL [Accessed day-month-year].

University of Cádiz (2020). University of Cádiz.

Available at: http:// electronic address [Accessed 22-09-2019].

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.